Day 1 Mesh testing on Ubiquiti

Well despite the rain I have managed to get out of the house and take a walk around the town with my cellphone and wifi analyser app and so far on the omni I am impressed.

Remember I live in a ditch however I was still able to get out (although a weak signal) and receive the wifi SSID on my cell phone which lets face it does not have the best antenna about a roughly 1km away from the house.

Tomorrow all going well I will be taking the Airgrid in the car and I will stop at random points and see if I can connect up.

However the current issue I am facing is that the Linksys and Ubiquiti kit is talking however the Raspberry Pi seems very hit and miss at the moment. Although I am not the only one to be having that issues so I will do some more digging tonight and see what I can solve.

Either way omni on a bullet is behaving well.

Now that the rain is back I need to bring that down as I still have not weather sealed it so that concludes today’s testing.